Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Farnsworth Family 1983

Monday, May 28, 2007

Fathers and Sons Campout

Nate took Blake and Chase to our wards fathers and sons campout a couple weeks ago. The next week they got to go with their dad and his ward too. What lucky boys! I just had to post this picture because I love it! :)

Memorial Day Fun

Hallie is so brave in the water this year. She's such a better swimmer and is having lots of fun with her new found confidence!!!
Chase is more afraid of the water this year. Bummer, because this year is swim lessons...he'll be in for a rude surprise in a week or so! As long as he has his floaties, he's good to go!
Blake is part fish! He would prefer to spend his days swimming!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I had to add this info I found because it is so cool! I went to a site called I typed in some of mine and my parents and grandparents information. There has been so much geneology done on my Farnsworth side, that it didn't take much to find my ancestors clear back to the 1600's. What was neat is that I found out that a lot of my family is from Denmark (didn't know that!) and that I'm related to a lot of famous people! You can click on a link that will give you a list of famous people you're related to and I was amazed! Besides Philo T. Farnsworth (which I knew), I'm related to Walt Disney, Katherine Hepburn, John Wayne, and many others. I thought it was neat!


Well, it's officially summer break! Blake and Hallie had great last days at school. Hallie cried (such a girl!) because her teacher is retiring and she'll miss her. Blake just cheered because he gets to go to the Bahamas with his grandparents this fun for him! Chase keeps saying "Now Blake and Hallie will be home with me everyday!" He's awefully lonely while they're at school. Even though there will be lots more confusion at home, I love to have my babies with me.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Check out my Slide Show!

Friday, May 4, 2007


Blake, Hallie, & Maggie went to Skateland with Houston Elementary. They came home with spray-painted hair and thought they looked so cool! We'll have to drag these pics back out in a few years...ha ha ha! (Chase had to join in the fun of the pictures!)

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hallie's Chickenpox

This has been a hard week for Hallie. It was her 1st grade program at school and she came down with the chickenpox. She had the vaccination when she was 1, so she has a very mild case, but still, the school nurse said no school until she's showing signs of it going away...I'll spare you the details! Grandma took her and Chase to lunch and to get icecream to try and maker her day better.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


At Easter we went to my parents house and had an egg hunt with all the cousins. Later, we went to Greg & Marcia's house and had another egg hunt with Bailey and some of the neighbors.

Kids Flying Kites

It was just a nice, windy day in Arizona, so the kids were out flying kites. Chase was amazed at how high they could go!

Our family: On December 10, 2005, Nate and I were married.