Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hallie's Baptism

Hallie had a very special day today. Not only did she turn 8, but she was able to be baptized on her Birthday! Hallie was baptized by her dad, Bryan and was able to have lots of extended family come to watch! Thanks to Grandma & Papa and their kids, Granny & Gramps, Bryan & Jennifer and Jack, Brooke & her boys, Robert & Lisa and their boys, Dan & his kids, Bianca, Greg & Marcia, Natalie & Scott and the girls, Bob & Lisa, the Lindsay Ward Bishopric, the Nesbits, the Alexanders, and the Yungfleisches. You guys are amazing! Thanks the support and for making this such a special day for Hallie! :)


Laynee said...

What a special day!! Congratulations Hallie!!! Sorry we couldn't be there, but know we were thinking of you and are very proud you!!!

Jennifer said...

Hallie--You looked so very cute for your special day! We love your new haircut. We are so very proud of you for being baptized and Daddy was so honored to baptize and confirm you! Jack misses you like crazy and can't wait to see you again. We're glad we got to see you on your birthday! Love you bunches! Daddy, Jennifer, & Jack

Brooke Allison said...

Hallie looked so pretty in her Baptisem dress, I can't believe she is eight years old. I'm so glad we were able to be there for her special day. Way to go Hallie!

Parker Family said...

We wish we could have been there! Hallie looks so cute, and I can't believe she is eight. She was just a baby when I met her. Way to go Hallie and thanks for plying with Brenden and Ethan, they had a blast with you and Blake!

Rodda Family said...

She is a beauty! Wish we could have been there! Congrats!

The Armstrongs said...

It was fun to bring the girls to Hallie's baptism. Rylee is really looking forward to hers! We don't have a date set yet though!
Love you guys!