Thursday, August 21, 2008

Baby's Kicking

Okay, so I seriously doubt this is a real picture, but it is way amazing! Obviously not a picture of me, but I am feeling my little one kicking. I love this part of pregnancy. About 2 weeks until we get to find out what it only request is a healthy baby!


Debra Ryan and kids said...

Oh Becca,
I am so excited for you!! How are you feeling? What do you think your having?? I found out we are expecting about 3 weeks ago!! and I will be 7 weeks on Tuesday, which is also my first Dr appt. We are really excited. The kids are obsessed with this baby already and are so willingly helpful which is great!! I've just started feeling the effects of morning sickness. I have found if I eat every 2 hours w/o any water, I feel a lot better. I am so used to guzzling water and now that I'm pregnant it's hard for me because it makes me so sick, I prefer ice chips, but I know my baby needs water so I force it down. I'm a little nervous, it's been soooo long for me. We are definitely started all over again. But, we are so excited and so ready for this little one. I'm jealous you are about to find out what your having!! That is my favorite appt!!! Take care of yourself!! loveyadeb

Laynee said...

Oh that is so fun and definitely reassuring that something is really in there!!!

stephanie said...

what a cool picture!!!